Category: South Asia
Event Report: Lives of Data: Computational Cultures from India
On April 9th, 2021, the Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs hosted…
Linguistic Reorganization and Indian Federalism: The Cases of Andhra Pradesh and Punjab
Abstract: This essay argues that certain ethno-linguistic minority groups sought the redrawing of India’s internal…
Event Report: India’s COVID-19 Battle
On March 7th, 2021, the Indian Student’s Society at the University of Toronto hosted “India’s…
The Paradox of Protesting in India
Section 1 “Talk about caste system, bring reservation in the private sector. Raise these questions,…
Radcliffe’s Line in the Sand: The Colonial Legacy of the Boundary Commission, Lord Mountbatten and the 1947 Partition Plan
Abstract: This paper argues against the claim that despite plunder and exploitation, British colonialism had…
Lal Salaam: Explaining the Violence and Longevity of the Naxalite-Maoist Insurgency in Three Frames
Abstract: Calls for the Lal Salaam, or “Red Salute,” have echoed across low-development regions of…
Interpreting the 1971 Indo-Soviet Cooperation Treaty as a Turning Point in South Asian Strategic History
The cataclysm of India’s Partition left caustic wounds that would inform and shape the patterns…
Replacing Anxious Hindu Masculinity with the Muslim Body: Hindu Right-Wing Nation Building Through Hindu-Muslim Sexual Delineation
Abstract: Hindu nationalist sentiments have grown in the past few decades partly as an emergent ideology…
Congestion in the Mountain Pass: Protecting the Sanctity of the Himalayan Slopes and their Economies
Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed below represent the opinions of the article’s author.…
India’s Love for Pakistani Dramas
Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed below represent the opinions of the article’s author.…